Convert an RGB color to '#RRGGBB' representation.
Useful e.g. to use a mixed color (as mixed by the mixcolor
function) as a color in calls to raw graphics function. See examples.
see https://gist.github.com/mbannert/e9fcfa86de3b06068c83
rgb2hex(r, g = NULL, b = NULL)
r | red color component, or a column 3-element vector of R,G,B values, or an object of class 'RGB' |
g | optional green color component |
b | optional blue color component |
require(colorspace)#>#>col1<-RGB(t(col2rgb('yellow'))) col2<-RGB(t(col2rgb('black'))) mixCol<-mixcolor(.3,col1,col2) col<-rgb2hex(mixCol) plot(c(0,1,2),c(0,0,0),xlim=c(-.5,2.5),ty='p',pch=21,cex=15,col='black', bg=c('yellow',col,'black'),frame=FALSE,xlab='',ylab='',xaxt='n',yaxt='n')