GraphicsColor making, 3D graphics. |
Blind friendly colors. |
Blind friendly colors. |
Create a movie by rotating a 3D rgl scene. |
Mix colors in textual representation. |
Visualize multidimensional data in 3D and/or multiple 2D projections. |
Plot a matrix. |
Convert RGB color to text hexadecimal representation. |
Link the current device with others to share mouse control using the 'trackball' mode. |
Exploratory data analysisShadow and correlation matrix, Bland-Altman plot, vertically-aligned histograms, counting NA’s, factor levels, and intersections. |
Bland-Altman plot. |
Count the number of factor levels. |
Cardinality of set intersections. |
Count NA's in a data frame. |
Histogram with defaults. |
Histogram with log counts and defaults. |
Vertically aligned histograms. |
Vertically aligned histograms. |
Sample normality color code. |
Sample normality estimate flag. |
Percentual ratio of TRUE cases. |
Plot decorated bivariate correlations. |
Plot with defaults. |
Plot a shadow matrix. |
Data ManipulationRobust sequences, matrix repetition and conversion, string trimming, factor manipulation. |
Drop unused levels in a factor. |
Refine factors in two twin data frames. |
Repeat matrix. |
Robust sequence generation resembling the matlab ':' operator. |
Trim leading and trailing spaces from a string. |
Conversion to a matrix. |
Data Transformations |
Flip an array. |
Flip a matrix to be passed to |
Supervised PCA. |
PCA transform. |
Supervised PCA transform. |
Machine Learning ToolsClassification performance measures, factor refinement. |
Compute performance indicators. |
Refine factors in two twin data frames. |
StatisticsRegression calibration and confidence, D’Agostino normality test, p-value manipulation. |
Variance-inflaction factor. |
Significance level compensation for multiple comparisons. |
P-value compensation for multiple comparisons. |
Critical values for correlation coefficients. |
D'Agostino normality test. |
Calibration in regression. |
Confidence and prediction intervals for regression. |
Overall linear model significance. |
Plot confidence and prediction intervals for regression. |
Plot confidence and prediction intervals for regression. |
Test of Poisson distribution. |
p-value text summary. |
Math toolsCoordinate conversions, logit/expit, scaling, vector algebra. |
Cartesian to polar coordinate conversion. |
Cartesian to spherical coordinate conversion. |
The expit function (the inverse to logit). |
Lognormal distribution parameter conversion. |
The logit function. |
Normalize vector to unit length. |
Polar to Cartesian coordinate conversion. |
Scale to unit range. |
Spherical to Cartesian coordinate conversion. |
Vector length. |
3D vector product. |
Development ToolsShow the memory occupied, build doc, reload packages. |
Determine implicit class. |
Reload R package(s). |
inlinedocs build |
R object size dump. |
Data GenerationCreate 2D demo data by mouse clicking. |
Create 2D data set interactively. |
Debug PrintingRobust sequences, repeating computing indices in distance matrix, |
Cat with trailing newline. |
Print the name and value of a variable. |
Misc UtilsRobust sequences, string manipulation, indices in distance matrix, |
Are all values the same? |
Indices of data frame columns identified by name. |
Indices into distance matrix. |
Indices of two samples of given index into distance matrix. |
Indices of member(s) in vector. |
Longest common prefix. |
Longest common postfix. |
Remove longest common prefix. |
Remove longest common postfix. |