showObjectsSize shows how much memory do objects in specific environment(s) occupy. It builds upon object.size and gathers information about the size and mode of objects in specific environment(s). It supports environment name filtering using regular expressions, object mode filtering, as well as filtering by size.

showObjectsSize(mode = NULL, n = 20, env = parent.frame(), recursive = FALSE,
    envNameRegexpr = NULL, all.names = TRUE, sizeUnits = 1024 *
        1024, verbose = FALSE)



mode of objects to show (see 'mode'), use codeNULL to show objects of all modes.


number of objects to show (the first n biggest objects will be shown).


environment to operate in.


shall we iteratively look in parent environments?


regular expression character filter applied to the names of environments. If not NULL, only environments matched by envNameRegexpr are considered.


if TRUE, all object names are returned. If FALSE, names which begin with a '.' are omitted.


the units of size (defaults to 1MB)


if TRUE, progress is reported.


Partially based on


A data frame of columns name, size, mode, and env. In addition, the total size of all objects found is put into the totalSize attribute of the data frame.

See also


#> [1] name size type mode class rows cols env #> <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
if (require('MASS')) { showObjectsSize(mode = 'numeric', envNameRegexpr = glob2rx('package:MASS'), rec = TRUE) }
#> name size type mode class rows cols env #> 18 SP500 0.0212554932 double numeric numeric 2780 NA package:MASS #> 59 drivers 0.0019073486 double numeric ts 192 NA package:MASS #> 28 accdeaths 0.0009918213 double numeric ts 72 NA package:MASS #> 56 deaths 0.0009918213 double numeric ts 72 NA package:MASS #> 72 galaxies 0.0006713867 double numeric numeric 82 NA package:MASS #> 119 newcomb 0.0005493164 double numeric numeric 66 NA package:MASS #> 27 abbey 0.0002822876 double numeric numeric 31 NA package:MASS #> 45 chem 0.0002288818 double numeric numeric 24 NA package:MASS #> 145 shrimp 0.0001831055 double numeric numeric 18 NA package:MASS #> 7 DDT 0.0001678467 double numeric numeric 15 NA package:MASS